Sunday, 7 April 2013

Islam and Christianity in the view of a Christian Converts to Islam

Rarely do I watch convert's stories. However, this is an exception. Truly inspirational. A video from the words of a strong Christian, and how he found Islam. If you found it boring, just skip to the middle part. This is the whole story.It may be long, but it is worth the one hour.

Islam is a beauty for those who seeks. May Allah guides our path.

Saturday, 30 March 2013


'Sesunguhnya Kami mengutusmu dengan kebenaran, sebagai pembawa berita gembira dan pemberi amaran, dan tidak ada satu umat pun (sebelum) melainkan ADA dalam kalangan mereka seorang Rasul pemberi ingatan dan amaran' 35:24

'... dan tiap2 umat ada Nabinya yang memimpin ke jalan yang benar' 13:7

If He wants to, He COULD make everyone submit themselves to Him, which Islam itself means, submit. He could make the world at peace, without war, everyone has the soul of the holy angels. But that would mean there are NO point of creating Humans.
"Adakah kamu sangka Kami ciptakan kamu sia-sia?.." 118:115

Why are we created? Your Creator tells you:
"He Who created Death and Life, so that He may try, which of you is the best in his deed.." 67:2

Lastly, for those that open his heart to Islam, the following word is without a question a heavy and a perfect understandable word without a single grain of doubt, that he will believe:
" The ONLY way of life (ad-din; the word religion here for me, is inappropriate) acceptable in the sight of Allah is Islam('salam', or submission to Allah, the One Creator)" 3:19

Islam is the bearer of Great news, the only religion that has been guranteed pure and pristine by Allah, as He Himself has protected Al-Quran, unlike the great Kitab previously, its originality can be doubted. Religion has always been one, which is SUBMISSION to Allah. The others meanwhile, are creation of humans, a belief or thought created by mere humans. It's NEVER wrong to follow any belief, as long as we understand that humans are never perfect.


Mahatma Gandhi:
“Muslims have never indulged themselves in bigotry even in times of greatest grandeur and victory. Islam enjoins an admiration for the Creator of the World and His works. As the West was in a dreadful darkness, the dazzling star of Islam shining in the East brought light, peace and relief to the suffering world. The Islamic religion is not a mendacious religion. When the Hindus study this religion with due respect, they, too, will feel the same sympathy as I do for Islam. I have read the books telling about the life-style of the Prophet of Islam and of those who were close to him. These books generated profound interest in me, so much so that when I finished reading them I regretted there being no more of them. I have arrived at the conclusion that Islam’s spreading rapidly was not by the sword. On the contrary, it was primarily owing to its simplicity, logicality, its Prophet’s great modesty, his trueness to his promises and his unlimited faithfulness towards every Muslim that many people willingly accepted Islam.

“Islam has abrogated monastic life. In Islam there is no one to intervene between Allâhu ta’âlâ and His born slave. Islam is a religion that commands social justice from the outset. There is not an institution between the Creator and the created. Anyone who reads Qur’ân al-kerîm, [i.e. its explanations and books written by Islamic scholars], will learn the commandments of Allâhu ta’âlâ and will obey Him. There is no obstruction between Allâhu ta’âlâ and him in this respect. Whereas many ineluctable changes were made in Christianity on account of its shortcomings, Islam has not undergone any alterations, and it preserves its pristine purity. Christianity lacks democratic spirit. The need to equip that religion with a democratic aspect has necessitated an increase in the Christians’ national zeal and the concomitant reforms.”